Pokémon Breeding Guide

The Basics of Pokémon Breeding

You have recently started playing Pokemon or have been a fan for years, but in both cases you have never dared to take the plunge strategy and therefore in the massive farming of eggs Pokémon? This guide is for you. We will explain from A to Z how to get (shiny) Pokémon at IV perfect with a little technique and a lot of patience. But don’t panic, nothing too complicated. Let’s go!

Red Ash Pikachu Bulbasaur Tart

How does reproduction work?

Little reminder for your 5th grade lessonsemewhat is the reproduction ? To reproduce and create an egg, we will need to deposit 2 Pokemon compatible with the Pension.

Compatible Pokémon are called Pokemon able to reproduce among themselves. To meet these conditions, they must be of different sexes and have a group of eggs in common.

pokemon eggs

Each Pokemon is associated with one or even two egg groupsthis is what defines the great family to which he belongs and with which he is compatible and with which he will be able to produce eggs at the pension.

You will find pensions at these places:

X/Y Pokémon XY Pension

The Path of the Banks, Route 7


Pokémon Pension Route 117 ROSA Route 117
Pokémon Battle Atoll Pension ROSA Atoll Combat

Deposit Pokemon in these pensions will have the effect of making them gain 1 XP point by steps that you will take and especially to launch the process of reproduction. You may sometimes be able to recover eggs via the Pension NPC.

The chances of spawning an egg are calculated every 256 stepsdepending on theTrainer ID and the species of Pokemon present in the pension:

Trainer ID Species Sentence obtained at the pension Chances of spawning an egg Chances with Oval Charm*
Different Identical They seem to get along very well. 70% 88%
Identical Identical They seem to get along 50% 80%
Different Different They seem to get along 50% 80%
Identical Different They don’t seem to like each other very much. 20% 40%
Incompatible They prefer to play with other Pokémon rather than together 0% 0%

* Once you have seen all the Pokemon of Regional Pokedex (excluding Mythical Pokémon), Professor Plane tree to Illumis (X/Y) or the Professor Seko in Bourg-en-Vol (ROSA) will offer you the Oval Charmincreasing the chances of generating eggs to the pension.

THE NPC will turn around / take a step forward when a egg will be available, allowing you to not have to continually talk to him to find out if an egg is available.

Special cases

Some Pokemon are not suitable for the reproductionso you will never be able to have babies from this Pokémon. Others are asexual but will still be able to reproduce.

They can be classified into several broad categories:

Baby Pokemon

These Pokemon are considered as babiesso they cannot breed until they evolve. Here is a list of baby Pokémon:

Breedable genderless Pokémon

These Pokemon have no sex defined (neither male nor female) but can nevertheless reproduce only with Metamorph.

is also the only one Legendary Pokemon to be able to reproduce to this day in the game. (Except Phioneher baby, who is not considered a true legend).

Non-breedable genderless Pokémon

These Pokemon cannot reproduce, even with Metamorph. Guaranteeing their uniqueness and the impossibility of farming them directly.
It’s about all the Legendary Pokémon of the game (excluding Manaphy and Phione) by adding Uncanny.

Breeding via incense

Some Pokemon can give rise to two “species” of Pokemon. Either their base form or their baby form. To get the baby form, you will need to make them hold theincense specific to their species. Otherwise, you will get the basic shape in the eggs.

Pokémon that can spawn two different species

The Manaphy / Phione case

Manaphy And Phione are two very special cases within the framework of the reproduction. Being the only ones legendary able to procreate provided they are mated with a Metamorph.

Why breed?

So the basics of the reproductionokay, but for what purpose?

– To complete your Pokedex has 100%there is no doubt that we will have to go through this stage to capture the babies Pokémon mentioned above or have the basic forms of developments finals that you could have captured here and there (and won the Chroma charm).

pokemon pokedex pokeball

– If you want to play in strategy with Pokemon over-energized and regulated like clockwork, it will be imperative to go through the pension and the farming eggs. Although tedious at first, this system is the fastest to easily obtain Pokémon at IV perfectpossessing the good nature and the good talent. Which will then allow you to work on their EV to finally begin the strategic battles.

Now that you have all the bases to start the Pokemon breeding with a view to making strategic combatslet’s get down to business and see all the steps of the process of strategic monster creation.

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