Change World Once Human: How to join friends in a different World?

When you first play Once Human, you are first asked to choose a server, then create your character before landing in the nightmarish world of this online multiplayer survival game. Unfortunately, if you are unlucky, you and your friends may find yourself on a different World despite the same server. This is normal, we explain why in this guide but also how to fix it quickly!

Why change Worlds in Once Human?

In Once Human, Worlds should not be confused with servers. Each server is split into several Worlds, sub-servers in fact. Thus, a player on a given server can change Worlds to find a playmate on the same server but in a different World, however it is impossible to change servers, so choose yours carefully!

It is also important to mention that the Worlds are specific to each server, so there is no point in trying to trick the game: if you and your friend are on two different servers, your Worlds will never be connected, you must be on the same server to have a chance of seeing each other and playing together one day.

Once Human

The reasons for a World change can be as diverse as they are varied, but often it is simply a matter of two players wanting to play together but to whom the game has not assigned the same World when arriving in Once Human. This is not dramatic since it can be remedied very easily, but it is still important to know!

How to change World in Once Human?

To be able to change Worlds in Once Human you must have completed the prologue of the game. This means that you have passed the stage of your awakening in the strange laboratory at the beginning of the game, but also that you have helped your new friend to defeat the level 5 Siren in the little pseudo-paradise corner where you found yourselves afterwards.

Once you arrive in the real nightmare world of Once Human, after flying for a few seconds with V, you technically can’t change Worlds yet. To do this, the easiest way is to go looking for a Teleportation Tower. Otherwise, if you like to do things in order and you have the time, you can always quietly follow the quests until you reach the one leading you to Deadsvillemore or less one to two hours after the start of your adventure depending on your speed.

Once Human

Because that’s the problem in Once Human: you can only change Worlds if you’re near a Teleportation Tower, nowhere else. Later in the game you’ll have unlocked a bunch of them so it’s not a problem, but when you’re starting out it can be quite complex (and scary) to venture without equipment near them since they are often, not always, located in areas with a high density of hostile creatures.

Once you have found a Teleport Tower, simply approach it and press F (default interaction key) to activate it. After that, simply press G (default key) while targeting it to display the Worlds window. Now choose the one you and your friends have arranged to meet at to be instantly teleported there!

Once Human

How to find a Teleport Tower in Once Human?

Last but not least: find a Teleportation Tower. In the first area you have access to in Once Human there are multiple of them, the most famous of all being that of the Monolith of Greed obviously. We do not recommend that you go there when you have just started the game, you risk rubbing shoulders with some pretty solid critters.

To find a Teleport Tower, simply open your map (default key M) and look for a radio tower logo. If you find one but it is grayed outthis means that you have not yet discovered and/or activated it. If it is blueishthis means that it is active and you can teleport there directly in order to change Worlds once you arrive there. Easy!

Once Human

The rest is very simple: you just have to go to the place where this radio tower icon is and find a kind of big antenna near which there is a control panel that you can activate. Once the Teleportation Tower is activated, you can not only return to it at your leisure by teleporting there (that’s the goal, it’s all in the name) but also press the G key (by default) near it to change World. It’s that simple!

Once Human

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