Boreas-Tome, Pokémon XY ROSA, Strat

Guide to Toreas-Tome – Pokémon #641

Find our guide for Boreas-Totemic, Pokemon No. 641 of the 5th generation (5G) in OverUsed. Movesets, stats, weaknesses, resistancesdiscover all the useful information and our advice for Pokemon XY And Pokémon ROSA.

Boreas-T – n° 641
Kind : Flight Base stats
Talent: Regenerator Force
Dreamworld Talent: /
Weight : 63 kg, or 138.9 pounds DEF 80 IIIIIIIIIIIII
Size : 1.5 m, or 4.9 feet ATK.SP 110 IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII
Egg group: Unknown


Not before hatching: 30855 LIVE. 121 IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII

Weakness/Resistance Tables
Steel Fight Dragon Water Elec. Fairy Fire Ice Insect
x 1 x 1/2 x 1 x 1 x 2 x 1 x 1 x 2 x 1/2
Normal Plant Poison Psych Rock Ground Spectrum Darkness Flight
x 1 x 1/2 x 1 x 1 x 2 x 0 x 1 x 1 x 1

Boreas-Totemic is one of the best offensive pivots in the format, with his excellent Regenerator Ability and more than decent attack stats. Access to U-Turn further strengthens him in this role. His Ability allows him to have a set relying on the Life Orb and compensating for damage taken by any entry hazards. He can also count on his excellent Speed ​​to outspeed the majority of the metagame outside of boosts. Its typing is not left out offensively: it neutrally hits a large number of types and hits x2 in particular Fighting and Plant types, which are quite present and annoying (especially Mega-Florizarre). Defensively, however, you will have to be careful to place Boreas-T carefully: he takes double damage from Stealth Rock and is sensitive to Electric and Ice types, two types that are quite present in OverUsed. Let’s move on to movesets : a set life orber, and a set assault vest (taking advantage of his good Special Defense).

Life Orber (OU)
Boreas-T @ Orbe Vie
Talent: Regenerator Force
Violent Wind
Nature : Naive
EV: Atk 76 / SpA 216 / Spe 216
IV: Maxed Landing / Provocation / Sabotage

Violent Wind is a STAB very powerful which will allow to inflict a large number from OHKO. Overpower is used here to cover against threatening Pokémon like Tyranitar. U-Turn is of course a move essential for any pivot worthy of the name, allowing for an easy and effective retreat. Coupled with the Regenerate-Force Talent, this attack will allow you to have a Boreas-T with his HP gauge at maximum throughout the fight. Finally, lastly slot, we often prefer Provoc to be able to free ourselves from walls wanting to pose status problems to the totemic genius, one of his biggest weaknesses (Scorvol, Noacier …). Landing can also be used to bring in sustain, although Regenerator Force is often sufficient. Sabotage can be useful, but ultimately Provoc will prove more effective in hindering walls. We can think of Canicule to increase coverage, but in return we lose the ability to respond effectively to walls. Exploforce can also be used instead of Overpower, but its low accuracy is annoying. Additionally, the Attack and Defense drops from Overpower aren’t that annoying: being a pivot, Boreas-T will not stay on the field for long at all and can therefore afford a drop in stats.

In terms of EV distribution, there are two things to note. The first is that the 76 investment in Attack is absolutely necessary to OHKO Tyranitar And Minotaupe of an Overpower (without buff/debuff). The second is Speed ​​investment, which allows you to outperform any Pokémon with a base Speed ​​stat of 115 with maximum investment (e.g. a Tyranitar choice scarfer, a Raikou, A Créfadet…). The rest is invested in Special Attack to have the most powerful Violent Wind possible. The nature is chosen with full knowledge of the facts: we do not need defensive stats since we will try to never take a hit.

The gameplay style is quite simple: you place Boreas-T on a Pokémon that does not threaten you, you hit as much as possible and you switch as soon as a threat presents itself via U-Turn (if you are sure to be faster). The key to this style of play will therefore be anticipation: for example, by anticipating a switch on Tyranitar from the opponent, you can preshot the Overpower and OHKO said Tyranitar. With a little practice and common sense, you can surprise most of your opponents.

Ideal partners are multiple: one can think of another U-Turn user who complements the genius as Mega Scizor, which generates another threat and which allows the multiplication of switches. We can also think of Toad : in fact, in the rain, Violent Wind has maximum precision. Boreas-T therefore fits perfectly into Rain Teams, alongside a wallbreaker as Hyporoy. A defogger/rapid spinner can also be beneficial to free oneself from the Rock Traps which are annoying. One can think of one of the Latitwins, who manage well Motisma-Washer, one of the great counters of Boreas-T.

Let’s talk about the cons, precisely. The big ones stalls specials can do the trick, if they have a super effective attack against the genie. Motisma-Washer, for example. His use of ChangeEclair can also completely brain the U-Turn of Boreas-T. A Electhor plays specially defensive is also very effective, resisting all attacks from the moveset. THE revenge killers faster as Dimoret Or Mega-Elecsprint can also, if a switch is poorly anticipated, annihilate this set.

Useful in the team:

– Toad

– Mega Scizor

– Latios

Examples of checks and counters:

– Dimoret

– Motisma-Washer

– Electhor

Assault Vest (OU)
Boreas-T @ Combat Jacket
Talent: Regenerator Force
Violent Wind
Nature : Shy
EV: HP 132 /SpA 160 /Spe 216
IV: Maxed Sabotage

A rather classic set, based on the Combat Jacket. The STAB Violent Wind is still there to deal big damage, and U-Turn is still there to provide effective fallback options. We choose Explosive Force here to cover ourselves instead of Overpower, simply because this Boreas-T will be intended to stay on the field longer and therefore cannot afford a drop in defensive stats. Finally, the Combat Vest forces a direct attack last slot, So it’s quite natural that we’re going to head towards Sabotage. We can also possibly think about Heatwave, but we already have Exploforce to cover ourselves from Noaciers enemies and cover against Tyranitar is essential.

Let’s talk EV: investing in Special Attack is enough to OHKO Keldeo of a Violent Wind. The investment in Speed ​​is the same as before, for the same reasons. Finally, we invest the rest in HP to tank a maximum of things. Otherwise, nothing special to report, this set is very classic.

Again, classic in terms of playing style: with a set Assault Vest, we will try to place the genius on a sweeper special (Ectoplasma, Keldeo) to tank his blows and respond effectively. Thus, the opponent will certainly seek to switch on a wall : a little Sabotage will hinder him greatly, and then you can switch on a possible wallbreaker. The Regenerate-Force Talent will help you apply this pattern throughout the fight.

The ideal partners here are those who can get rid of the Rock Traps, which are a real pain for Boreas-T. Airmure can be effective in this format, plus it is a good wall physical, which is exacerbated by the defensive complementarity of the two birds. Another wall physics of the genre is Noacier : even if it does not have one defog or of a fast spin, it holds effectively Dragonite And Mega-Leviatortwo Pokémon that can switch-in easily on Boreas-T to boost itself. We can also think of an offensively effective Pokémon like Mega-Elecsprint : it handles the threats mentioned above quite well, and Boreas-T compensates for its ineffectiveness against Mega-Florizarre.

In terms of cons, beyond those mentioned above, we can also think once again of Electhor. A Mega Charizard X bulky can also completely ignore this set of Boreas-T to boost yourself.

Useful in the team:

– Airmure

– Mega-Elecsprint

– Latios

Examples of checks and counters:

– Mega-Leviator

– Mega Charizard X

– Electhor

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