Cyberpunk 2077, how to reset attributes and skills after the release of Phantom Liberty – Cyberpunk 2077

As huge as it is Cyberpunk 2077 and the amount of combinations you have to build your character, being able to reset their attributes and skills is a crucial option, and after the release of version 2.0, which came with Phantom Liberty, it is possible to do so, although with some “buts”. I’ll tell you How to do it and what you have to take into account before giving your V a radical change.

How to reset attributes and skills in Cyberpunk 2077

Before update 2.0, you didn’t have an official way reset your character’s attributes, while for skills, you had to pay a Croaker. Now, with the arrival of Phantom Liberty, many builds have become obsolete, and that’s why CD Projekt has given us ways to rewire our characters.

How to reset attributes

To start with, you should know that you can find both actions from the game’s “Character” menu. On the other hand, the attribute reset can only be done once in the entire game, so you’ll have to think very carefully about it. But where is this procedure done? Well, in the “Character” menu that I mentioned before, you have a button called “Reset Attributes”once you have pressed it (and if you do not have any dependency on the attributes you have accumulated), you will not be able to do it again throughout the entire game.

How to reset skills

With the skills, Cyberpunk 2077 It is much more lax. In order to reset them, you just have to go to the skills menu and press the “Reintegrate” button. With that, you will recover the spent point and you can move it whenever you want. Here There are no restrictions that are worth it.

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