Cyberpunk 2077, interactive map with all the missions, shops, scams and apartments in the game and Phantom Liberty – Cyberpunk 2077: Phantom Liberty

When you start an RPGit’s clear that you’re not going to play a title with a modest and small map, no. In the role, what matters is the size of the world and the density of elements that you’re going to find in it, and few video games follow this mantra more to the letter than Cyberpunk 2077. Today I’m going to show you the best interactive map that you can find on the internet, so that you can’t miss anything that the title of CD Projekt has to offer you.

Cyberpunk 2077 and Phantom Liberty interactive map

If this is your first time using one of these, you might be wondering what the difference is between a normal map and an interactive one. Well, with the “normal” maps, what we have is a static image where we see the elements that are in every centimeter of the world. This, when we talk about Huge maps full of points of interestit can get a bit chaotic. That’s what they’re there for. interactive maps.

In these, you can zoom in as much as you want, turn markers on and off to see only the type of items you’re interested in, and even saving your progress to know exactly what you have already done and what you still have to do. They are really useful, and this one is no exception.

He Cyberpunk 2077 interactive map lets you view the contents of the entire base game, but also its expansion, Phantom Liberty. You can find all the exploration points, vendors, orders, shenanigansactivities and other elements, such as apartments or bars. If you want to get the most out of this role-playing game, it is an indispensable tool that I hope you enjoy.

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