Dark Lugia Pokémon GO: What are the best creatures to beat it in Raids?

Lugia has been captured by Team Rocket and has now turned to the dark side of the force as was the case in Pokémon XD: Breath of Darkness, although it is not completely absorbed by the darkness. It is still possible to free it and for that, you find it in Pokémon GO during certain 5-star dark raids.

How to beat Dark Lugia in Pokémon GO?

Dark Lugia has the dual typing Psychic/Flying. This means that it is very weak to attacks of the Darkness, Spectrum, Electric, Ice And Rock !

  • Boss PC: 45925
  • Capture PC: between 1959 and 2115
  • Boosted capture PC: between 2450 and 2645 (boosted when windy or rainy)

Here are the best Pokemon you can use to beat him more easily:


With Bite And Centrifugal.


With Stone Throwing And Landslide.


With Bite And Centrifugal.

Cable lifer

With Sparks And Power Shot.

Giratina (Original Form)

With Shadow Claw And Returning.

Shiny Dark Lugia: Is it available in Pokémon GO?

Lugia Obscur is available in a chromatic version on the game. Here is what they look like for the more curious:

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