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HomeCryptoEthereum Validators Adopt New Roles with EIP-7732

Ethereum Validators Adopt New Roles with EIP-7732

Ethereum Validators Set to Take on New Roles as Staking Introduces EIP-7732proposes Enshrined Proposer-Builder Separation (EPBS).

This proposal fundamentally changes the way Ethereum blocks are validated by separating execution validation from consensus validation both logically and temporally.

Authenticator take on a new role

Validators now have new responsibilities, including the option to become a builder and the obligation to send timely attestations of the payload.

EIP-7732 addresses many of the key issues in the current system. Most Beacon block proponents outsource the construction of the executable payload to a third party, called a builder.

Source: Ethereum

They request the hash tree root (HTR) of the promised execution payload and send the SignedBlindedBeaconBlock to a trusted party, which then replaces the HTR with the full execution payload from the builder before broadcasting.

This EIP ensures fair exchange between Beacon block proposers and builders. It ensures honest Beacon block proposers will be paid by builders and honest builders’ payload will become the standard top of the chain.

Currently, validators have a short window of time to perform both consensus state transitions and execution, check the availability of blob data, and evaluate the new head of the blockchain.

This EIP changes that by separating execution and consensus validation, allowing validators to focus on transitioning to consensus state before attestation.

Data availability enforcement and validation are delayed, allowing the validator to perform these tasks during the remaining time.

The Motivation Behind EIP-7732

Removing the entire execution payload from the consensus block allows for faster network data transfer. It reduces the risk of reorganization when including blob transactions due to increased data availability check times.

Validators no longer miss attestations, reinforcing the fork selection property when the builder generates invalid payloads. The EIP also removes the need for trusted middleware for block building authorization.

The EIP does not require changes to the execution layer. However, the consensus layer has some modifications, which are detailed in the consensus spec GitHub repository.

These include changes to the Beacon Chain, fork selection, P2P protocol, validation guidelines, and the introduction of new builder guidelines.

Changes in Beacon Chain involve constants, presets, and different container classes to handle new payload attestations and signed executable payload headers.

The BeaconState container is modified to keep track of the latest block hash, the latest location with the executed payload, and the latest withdrawal root.


Source: Ethereum

BeaconBlockBody now includes a signed execution payload header and a payload attestation list. ExecutionPayloadHeader is simplified to track minimal information about the constructor’s payload commitments.

State transition logic changes include new functions for handling payload authentication, executable payload headers, and withdrawal requests.

The fork selection changes involve new constants and container classes for handling child nodes, latest messages, and storage modifications. New handlers are introduced for payload authentication messages and signed executable payload envelopes.

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According to Cryptopolitan

Mark Tyson
Mark Tyson
Freelance News Writer. Always interested in the way in which technology can change people's lives, and that is why I also advise individuals and companies when it comes to adopting all the advances in Apple devices and services.


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