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HomeCryptoExclusive Interview with Bitget COO: Why is Bitget the best Copy Trading...

Exclusive Interview with Bitget COO: Why is Bitget the best Copy Trading platform right now?

On the eve of the GM Vietnam event in early June, Blogtienao had the opportunity to discuss with Mr. Vugar Usi Zade – Chief Operating Officer (COO) of Bitget, one of the favorite exchanges in the Vietnamese market. Let’s watch the short interview below to get Bitget’s “insight news” specifically for the Vietnamese market.

Mr. Vugar Usi Zade – COO Bitget and Ms. LiLy – CMO Blogtienao

Blogtienao (BTA): Hello, can you introduce yourself to the Blogtienao community?

Mr. Vugar: Hi everybody. I’m Vugar Usi, CEO of Bitget. I’m proud to manage a team of 1,500 people in 65 countries, we run $10 billion worth of trading operations every day, serve more than 25 million customers and list more than 700 tokens. This makes us one of the leading exchanges globally. And of course, we are the #1 copy trading platform with over 150,000 elite traders whose trades are ready to be copied on the Bitget platform. So, we are one of the most powerful and promising trading platforms in the crypto industry.

BTA: Is this your first time in Vietnam at such a big event about blockchain?

Mr. Vugar: I often go to Vietnam because Vietnam is one of our target markets, not only from a business perspective in terms of growth but also we employ a lot of stakeholders. We focus on this market, we also produce TV and commercials, create promotional videos specifically for the Vietnamese market. So Vietnam is a very interesting and core market for us.

This is the first time I have attended an event of this scale in Vietnam and I think Good Morning (GM) Vietnam is one of the best places to connect with the young generation and give them many opportunities. more opportunities, as well as meeting talented projects and entrepreneurs. Here, I had the opportunity to meet a lot of new blockchain projects and I was really surprised to see how big the event was.

BTA: Thank you for your information. You mentioned that Vietnam is one of Bitget’s target markets. So what are the benefits and privileges that the platform offers to Vietnamese users?

Mr. Vugar: Definitely, Vietnam is our target market. Bitget has doubled its growth in this market this quarter and there is a huge interest in the product and the service that we provide. As I mentioned, Bitget is the number 1 copy trading platform, it makes trading very easy and we see a huge interest in the market. Also, one of the products that we see a lot of interest from Vietnamese users is staking to farm. Basically, they are wealth creation tools where users can stake their assets like BGB, USDT, Bitcoin or Ethereum to get different tokens. Basically, it is a risk-free investment. Users will just lock the token for a certain period of time, let’s say 7 or 10 days and in return, you will get tokens from a new project that you can trade later.

So I think this is a minimal risk product that helps users create wealth and passive income. They are one of the biggest growth drivers for us in this market.

Likewise in the field of Bitget wallet, we have a lot of tasks. When completing tasks, users can earn about 50 to 70 USD/week. This is another big driver in the area that we see driving user interest.

BTA: The information is really interesting and useful for our readers. As far as I know, not only Bitget but other exchanges also have copy trading products. So, in your opinion, what is the difference between Bitget and other names?

Mr. Vugar: When it comes to copy trading, we are the number one and the largest platform in the industry. Yes, after a while our competitors have come up with similar products, but we are still one of the largest copy trading platforms, not one of the largest copy trading platforms. What makes us unique to our users is that we have successfully attracted over 150,000 elite traders. That means there are around 150,000 trades available for users to copy. And we see that more and more users are coming up with their own strategies or copying trades and adding their own twist.

Additionally, what makes Bitget unique is that we have over 700 tokens listed and a ton of new “gems” for users to discover.

Therefore, we offer a rich number of elite traders as well as a variety of tokens for users to choose from. This brings many benefits to users, because if you think about it, if a copy trading platform does not have a large enough number of traders or tokens, you will not have many choices from which to earn profits. It may not be what you expect. Meanwhile at Bitget, you don’t need to worry about this problem.

BTA: Thank you for showing us the difference, I think with this unique point, Bitget will become one of the great options for users to copy trades.

My final question is can you talk a little bit about Bitget’s future plans, in terms of strategy for the global market as well as in Vietnam that we should expect?

Mr. Vugar: Since taking office, I have 3 strategic directions for Bitget. The first and most important is to expand globally, with Vietnam being the key market. In addition, CIS countries, Europe, Latin America and Türkiye are also targets that I am focusing on developing. The second priority is compliance and working with global authorities. Today, we have more than 100 members working around compliance issues.

As chief operations officer, I’m focusing a lot on recruiting new talent. We have about 12 to 15 positions to fill at this time.

Essentially, compliance, working with local authorities and ensuring that as Bitget we serve our customers in the best way possible is my goal. And of course, building and turning Bitget into a true Web 3 company, focusing not only on the transactional role but also building the chain layer and ensuring that all the ecosystem works together is very important . When it comes to global expansion, we are investing heavily in developing young talent. With an investment of $20 million we are committed to developing new talent both in the job market and as entrepreneurs.

Our CEO Gracy, she is taking on a key project where she is inspiring many young women to build ventures as well as build their own careers in the crypto space. And myself, I am organizing an apprenticeship program to attract more and more young talents into the industry. This direction in the long run will not only benefit Bitget but also all the participants in our ecosystem.

Today at GM Vietnam, we met a lot of young people. This year we have organized training for 700 students. We have been doing that and will continue to do that and cooperate with leading universities in the country and in the region to attract more young talents. I believe that GM Vietnam is a great event to connect young talents.

BTA: Thank you very much for joining me today. The above information is not only useful for the Blogtienao community in particular but also for the cryptocurrency community in Vietnam in general.

Mr. Vugar: Thank you and Blogtienao.

Mark Tyson
Mark Tyson
Freelance News Writer. Always interested in the way in which technology can change people's lives, and that is why I also advise individuals and companies when it comes to adopting all the advances in Apple devices and services.


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