Galekid Effort Strategy – Millenium

Galekid Effort Strategy

Defeat a strategic teamit’s sometimes cotton. But as long as, like TheFlamingSpadeyou have the right idea, even a Galekid level 1 can take you to victory!

If you jump to 30 seconds video, you will be able to see the fight itself, and Galekid in the spotlight, because on his own and despite his level 1 and his ridiculous 12 HP, he manages to defeat a complete team of 6 Pokémon.

But how does it work?

It is a clever combination that has allowed TheFlamingSpade to install his Galekid on the ground.

Pokemon - Galekid white background

Galekid – n° 304
Kind : Steel/Rock Abilities
Talent: Firmness
Level : 1 Shelter
Object : Bell shell Toxic

Nature : Random

Hidden Power (Rock)

As you can see in the video, the player enters the game with a Tyranitarendowed with talent Flying sandand thus triggering a sandstorm for a number of turns, increased by the Smooth Rock port.

Pokemon - Bell shell
You will love it,
your bell shell!

Galekid then enters the field. As a reminder, he is immune to the Stormy due to its Steel/Rock typing. Being level 1, you can be sure that Galekid will never attack first. And that’s a good thing. Indeed, when an opponent who is not aware of this strategy sees your Galekid, he will think it’s a mistake, and attack without thinking.

When your Pokemon takes a hit, therefore, its ability Firmness will activate, leaving him at 1 health. Galekid then launches the attack Effortwhich has the effect of making the opposing Pokémon have the same number of remaining life points as yours, which is 1 in this case.

The real interest of this moveset lies in the use of the Bell shellwhich regenerates 1/8 of the damage inflicted by your Pokémon on its opponent. However, your Galekid having a total of 12HP and your opponent being generally level 50 or 100, you can be sure that your Pokémon will regain all its life, thus making the ability Firmness available again.

Finally, the Stormy will finish off your opponent.

In fact

The reality is much less rosy. Indeed, several very common threats can counter your Galekid:

– A Pokémon Rock, Soil or Steelimmune to damage from the Sandstorm

– A Pokémon Spectrumimmune to Normal type attacks like Effort

– The attacks multi-shot (like Ball Grain, Sheauriken, or Stalagtite)

– There burn

– THE entry hazards

– A Pokémon with the ability Mold breaker (cancelling the Firmness from Galekid)

So of course, no one is asking you to play this Pokémon seriously, but if that is the case, it is possible for you to play with a setter of Toxic peaks instead of a Stormsand setter. In this case, be careful of possible Fast spinners adverse.

Additionally, in order to install correctly Galekid on the field, you can surround it properly so that you can manage its various threats. Anyway, this is a simple funny (and a bit trollish :p) moveset that can wreak havoc on your opponent’s team, but it can also not work at all. Feel free to check out the build Smogon associated to learn more about this adventurous strategy, and to share with us your compositions, and the replays of your matches.

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