Hackmons on Smogon – Millenium

Who has never dreamed of being able to do everything in Pokemon ? To be able to play a Munja with Firmnessa Pokémon with the ability CONTESTATION and all attacks lowering stats when used? Well that’s now possible with the Hackmon !

What is this ?

Smogon University LogoTHE Hackmon represent a Tier created by Smogon Universitythe community having precisely defined Strategic Tiers balanced for solo combat in Pokemon. But this type of strategy has a special feature: you can do everything. Or almost.

So the game mode allows you to play any Pokemonwith any talentany attacksand any objectthus allowing you to imagine alternative strategies, which would not have been possible in normal times.

Deoxys vs Rayquaza on Pokémon Showdown

The Tier is playable on the famous simulator Pokemon Showdownand even if it is less popular than its counterparts (like theOverUsed), it is nonetheless exciting (and very funny!).

Some leads

Here we will present four setsin a concise manner, in order to demonstrate to you that it is really possible to do everything with these famous Hackmon :

Munja Firmness


Munja – No. 292
Kind : Insect/Ghost Abilities
Talent: Firmness
Level : 50 Drop shadow
Object : Filter Glasses U-turn

Nature : Jovial

Shadow Claw

Imagine a Munja with talent Firmness. This is a well-known strategy in the Hackmonsand which allows you to make your Pokémon virtually invincible. Indeed, if Munja takes an attack and he has the Steadfast ability, he will become 1 life point. Now Munja’s special feature is that his life total is always one. You can therefore activate steadfastness every turn.

Be careful though with the weather conditions offensives (sandstorms, hail), status effects (poison, burn) and to entry hazards (rock trap, spikes, etc.). This is also why we give our Pokémon the Filter glasseswhich will allow it to not be subject to climatic damage, as well as powder attacks (Spore, Toxic Powder, etc.).

Offensively, Munja will use the attack Effortreducing the opponent to 1HP, in combination with Drop shadow (allowing you to finish off your opponent with priority). Other attacks are contextual and depend on the rest of your team.

Be careful, however, to be able to manage the entry hazardsthe biggest danger for Munja.

Deoxys Contestation


Deoxys – n° 386
Kind : Psych Abilities
Victory shot
Level : 50 Overpower
Object : Choice banner Draco Ascension

Nature : Jovial

Head Smash

THE Pokemon with talent CONTESTATION (reversing stat increases and decreases) are a classic of Hackmons. But Deoxys is one of the best Pokémon in this category, thanks to its huge attack stat, boosted by the Choice banner.

The moveset is therefore based on three physical attacks lowering the statistics of your Pokémon, and which here will increase these statistics thanks to the talent CONTESTATION. The fourth attack (here Head Smash) can be replaced at will depending on the rest of your team. You can especially consider Psykoud’Boulin order to take advantage of the STAB.

Mega-Ectoplasm Normalizes


Mega-Ectoplasma – n° 094
Kind : Spectre/Poison Abilities
Talent: Normalize
Level : 50 Ball’Ombre
Object : Ball Bomb-Yuck

Nature : Shy


A devastating combination. Mega-Ectoplasma has a very strong striking force, and with this combination can greatly handicap your opponent. Indeed, if you use Exchangethe opponent will win the talent Normalizewhich will transform all of his attacks into normal type. This way, Ectoplasma can no longer be hit, and you can cause significant damage to the opposing team.

This moveset also takes advantage of the Ball to get rid of weakness Ground of Ectoplasm. Be careful of its weakness though Psychwhich is preserved. Note that it is possible in this format to play Pokémon already mega-evolvedand this without their mega-gem.

Leuphoria Impostor


Leuphoria – n° 242
Kind : Normal
Talent: Impostor
Level : 50
Object : Remains / Bay sitrus

Nature : Careful

The last set that we are going to present to you has nothing to envy the others. Indeed, it is based on the use of the talent Impostor of Metamorph on Leuphoria. This talent copies all the attacks, talent, and statistics of the opposing Pokémon, except the PV. Now, Leuphoria having the most life points in the entire game, this gives you an immediate advantage over your opponent.

Moreover, as for the attack Exchange of Mega Gengar (presented above), this allows you to have valuable information about the opposing Pokémon. Be careful, however, because the held object is not copied, and certain attacks (like Judgement) depending on the object will have a lesser effect.

What to expect?

So yes, it is possible to do everything, or almost. In fact, some abilities are still banned, because they are considered too unbalanced:

– The so-called “attacks”OHKO” (of type Guillotine, Empal’Korne Or Glaciationwhich kill in one hit).

– Talent Mystik Guard (the talent of Munja).

– Talents Coloforce And Pure force (which double a Pokémon’s attack).

– Talent Shadow Brand (and other abilities that trap the opposing Pokémon, such as Trap).

– Talent Filial love (of Mega Kangaroo).

– The capabilities ofescape (as Reflection).

– The attack Assistance (based exclusively on luck).

– The attack Babblefor obvious reasons.

– The teams of Hackmon are also limited to 1 Pokémon with a type ability Heavenly Skin Or Fairy Skin (transforming normal attacks into attacks of another type)

In fact, the principle of Hackmon is not to use only the most powerful attacks, but to surprise your opponents with alternative strategies. So don’t hesitate, and share with us your craziest strategies in the comments!

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