If having 1GbE on your PC seems like a lot to you, check out this driver from Realtek: 10GbE!

One of the main aspects that we can find in the different motherboards that a computer has is the large number of drivers that the components have, which are what allow them to interact correctly with the software. In this case, we can find that there are manufacturers that update their drivers very frequently, and this time we have been able to find out that realtek would be preparing a generational leap to adopt the 10GbE on the network cards after learning that they already have the controller for these speeds.

There are a large number of things that the various companies that are dedicated to creating components and software for a PC can improve, and that is that there is a common goal of offering the best possible performance, something that not only depends on the power it can offer to when running programs. The connectivity that a computer can have is also extremely important, not only at the level of bandwidth, but also in other aspects that are generally related to the speed that computer systems have to transmit data, since it is one of the most important aspects that exist today.

network card

The highest possible connection speed on PC could be very close

More and more users may have a series of problems due to the maximum speed that their internet connection is capable of achieving, and there are a series of limitations that prevent us from enjoying the highest possible performance in this aspect. Currently, higher-end motherboards can incorporate network cards that have 2.5GbE controllers, a fairly high speed but that in certain cases can fall short, and even more so if we take into account that the programs are increasingly heavier. , making it obviously take us longer to download them.

In this case, since realtek They would already be making preparations to bring the speeds of 10GbE to the market, and they have begun to update their drivers, causing us to see one called RTL8127which would bring these speeds to the mainstream market. Currently, the options we can find to be able to incorporate 10GbE into a motherboard are quite limited, and the main options are to use chips from Marvell’s AQtion series or directly the products offered by Intel for servers.

Realtek 10GbE controller

We can see that the company would be about to launch this new controller with the aim of increasingly adopting the speeds of 10GbE wired networks, although the speed limitation does not only affect our hardware, since it will also depend on the ISP we have. . He controller what of ethernet what it offers us realtek belonging to the RTL-81xx series presents an update to version 11.21.0903.2024-10242024, which includes support for the RTL8127 10G PCIe network card chipset, this demonstrates the company’s efforts to expand its 10GbE product range and improve the Network performance of consumer motherboards.

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