Jori Chief Inquisitor Elden Ring Shadow of the Erdtree: How to beat this boss?

Things are getting tougher in Elden Ring’s DLC, Shadow of the Erdtree, after the immense Catacombs of Black Light, a formidable boss awaits you. We hope you like spells, because you’re going to eat them with Jori.

Elden Ring Shadow of the Erdtree


  • You can reach level 9 or even 10 and more of Shadow Realm Blessings by searching the first areas of the DLC well. This will help you greatly in this fight.
  • A spirit summon will help you too, if it doesn’t get killed too quickly. Andreas, commander of the black knights, is available in one of the first dungeons, it is a new summon of the DLC, which takes extremely well once improved.
  • This boss’s damage is mostly sacred typeswith some physical damage, but it is secondary. Talismans and buffs capable of reducing this damage will significantly help you survive. Combining the Sacred Dragon Talisman and the Pearl Dragon Talisman can greatly mitigate the damage received for example.
  • Stamina regeneration bonuses are valuable in this fight, since you will have to run constantly.
  • It is possible to block or even reflect certain spells with Caria’s Retaliation for example, but this is not always an option.
  • This boss is highly resistant to Holy damage, favor other sources of damage if possible.
Elden Ring Shadow of the Erdtree


As mentioned above, Jori reminds us of a high-level version of Rennala, even if his spells are different, the principle remains the same. You have to get close enough to the boss while avoiding his spells, in order to attack him. After receiving a few hits, he will teleport to another area of ​​the arena, before resuming his bombardment. Suffice to say that it is better to favor a build capable of inflicting heavy damage quickly.

Elden Ring Shadow of the Erdtree

Jori has 4 spells in his repertoire, as well as 3 summons:

  • Great crescent of light : His most powerful spell individually, but also the least dangerous, since you only need to perform a single dodge to avoid it. You then have a few moments to approach the boss and attack him. By being close enough to the boss, this spell will be invoked behind your back, which favors melee combat. Tombstones are also ideal for taking cover, they will block this spell.
Elden Ring Shadow of the Erdtree
  • Flood of crescents of light : Fairly easy to dodge from afar, by running sideways. Don’t run straight if you’re fleeing. This spell is particularly dangerous at close range. If you’re stuck, or if you mismanage your movements, these crescents will cut you into sacred slices. It should be noted that summons are also capable of casting this spell, which can give a result that is as intimidating as it is deadly. Once again, tombstones are your friends.
Elden Ring Shadow of the Erdtree

Sacred Pursuit : This spell can be both the least dangerous and the most deadly, depending on the circumstances. Normally, you just have to move to avoid it, since it hits your previous position. When Jori channels this spell, his incantation is almost impossible to interrupt, which means that you should not stay in place, even when you attack him. It is better to wait until the very end of the spell before jumping on the boss. You will have a few moments to hit him, without taking too much damage. Obstacles do not block this spell, quite the contrary, they will potentially slow you down or even block you in the heat of the action, which will prove fatal.

Elden Ring Shadow of the Erdtree

Teleportation : After taking damage, Jori will teleport to another section of the room. This spell emits a wave of light when activated. The damage is moderate, so it’s best to take it if you’re playing melee, in order to have more opportunities to attack him.

Elden Ring Shadow of the Erdtree

Summoning Inquisitors : Be careful, there are two variations to this spell. The first one makes appear 2 enemies with melee weaponsthey are not very dangerous. But when Jori throws his multiple croissants, he will make appear 2 inquisitors equipped with a candlestick after a teleport. They are rather fragile, but if you give them the chance, they will use the fearsome Crescent Flood spell as well. Don’t waste your time killing them, they will disappear after a few seconds, or when the boss teleports.

Elden Ring Shadow of the Erdtree

Summon Big Thing : This impressively large enemy almost always starts by jumping at you. Always be ready to roll when the summoning bell rings. He has a range of fairly heavy attacks, including a melee tornado and a fanned flame breath. If you avoid staying in melee, and run from one end of the room to the other, only his jumps should be a problem. Once again, there is no point in attacking him.

Elden Ring Shadow of the Erdtree
Elden Ring Shadow of the Erdtree

When Jori’s health is low, he will summon all of his allies at once, meaning there will be a total of 6 enemies in the room. Go around them, and wait for an opportunity to attack the boss.

Elden Ring Shadow of the Erdtree


No Major Rune in this case, nor a souvenir, but you will receive a legendary weapon, the Barbed spear stick. A spear that also deals Faith-based Holy damage. It can also unleash a barrage of holy crescents.

Elden Ring Shadow of the Erdtree
Elden Ring Shadow of the Erdtree

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