Mega Steelix Pokémon GO: The best counters to beat it in Mega Raids

This is not the first time that it is available on Pokémon GO but Mega-Steelix is ​​once again present in Mega-Raids. As a reminder, the Mega-Evolution system has been updated and is now much simpler and more accessible.

Mega Steelix: Mega Raid Dates and Information on this Pokémon

  • Availability dates: June 1-7, 2022
  • Capture PC: between 1308 and 1379
  • Boosted capture PC: between 1635 and 1724
  • Recommended number of players: between 3 and 6 depending on the players’ levels
  • PC in Mega Raid: 39,825
  • Types: Steel And Ground
  • Available in shiny
Normal Mega Steelix - Pokemon GO
Mega Steelix Normal
Mega Shiny Steelix - Pokemon GO
Mega Shiny Steelix

The best counters to beat Mega Steelix in Mega Raids on Pokémon GO

A Steel and Ground-type, Mega Steelix is ​​extremely weak to Ground-type attacks. Fight, Ground, Fire And Water. We therefore advise you, obviously, to prioritize Pokémon and attacks of this type as:

  • Mega Charizard with the attacks Flame Dance and Fire Burst
  • Mega Charizard X with the attacks Flame Dance and Fire Burst
  • Mega Blastoise with the attacks O-Gun and Hydroblast
  • Mega Gyarados with Waterfall and Hydro Cannon attacks
  • Mega Houndoom with the attacks Fire Fang and Flamethrower
  • Mega Lockpin with Sweep and Force Blast attacks
  • Reshiram with the attacks Fire Fang and Overheat
  • Lucario with the attacks Riposte and Aurasphere
  • Bétochef with the Riposte and Dynamo-Poing attacks
  • Kyogre with the attacks Cascade and Surf
  • Ho-Oh with the attacks Calcination and Holy Fire ++
  • Sulfura with the attacks Flame Dance and Overheat
  • Laggron with the attacks O-Gun and Hydroblast
  • Demeteros with the attacks Mud Shot and Earthquake
  • Mackogneur with the attacks Riposte and Dynamo-Poing
  • Darumacho with the attacks Fire Fang and Overheat
  • Entei with the attacks Fire Fang and Overheat
  • Mushroom with the Riposte and Dynamo-Poing attacks
  • Braségali with the attacks Riposte and Foot Burner
  • Krabboss with the attacks Foam and Claw-Mass
  • Charizard with the attacks Flame Dance and Fire Burst
  • Gamblast with the O-Gun and Mace-Clamp attacks
  • Clamiral with Cascade and Hydroblast attacks
  • Carchacrok with the attacks Mud Shot and Telluriforce
  • Heatran with the Flame Dance and Flamethrower attacks
  • Hariyama with the Rispote and Dynamo-Fist attacks
  • Landorus with the attacks Mud Shot and Telluriforce
  • Roitiflam with the Sweep and Fire Burst attacks
  • Tranchodon with Riposte and Surf attacks
  • Alligatueur with Cascade and Hydroblast attacks
  • Lugulabre with the attacks Calcination and Overheating
  • Pyrax with the attacks Flame Dance and Overheat
  • Zacian with the attacks Fire Fang and Close Combat
  • Minotaupe with Mud-Cut and Earthquake attacks
  • Groudon with the attacks Mud Blast and Earthquake
  • Simiabraz with the attacks Flame Dance and Fire Burst

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