Pokémon GO Arena Tier List

Have you faced an arena or are you going to face one? Do you know the tier list of Pokémon GO attacks and are you ready to jump into battle? We offer you a ranking of the best Pokemon for defend an arena. When you attack an arena, this list will allow you toassess the resistance potential of an arena based on the Pokémon you find there.

In general, you should know that:

– Pokémon of type Normal are particularly strong due to the fact that Fighting Pokémon (their only weakness) are rarely present in the game.
– Pokémon of type Water are still very strong despite a loss of DPS due to the balancing of the last update.
– Pokémon of type Fire have therefore taken advantage of this and gained ground.

Pokémon Pokéball LogoWhat influenced the ranking:

The statistic of PV (Endurance) is the most important For a defending Pokémon, this is what will allow it to take the most hits and therefore give it more time to inflict some itself.

The fact that the player attacking the arena can dodge Attacks also influenced the ranking. So Pokémon with attacks inescapable will be appreciated by arena defenses.

The attacker being able to choose his Pokémon against the defenders, a Pokémon having few cons and being able to beat them “easily” thanks to good type coverage of their movepool, will be higher in the ranking.

Rank S

Pokémon of this rank fill perfectly the conditions stated in the box above. They sometimes have some negative points largely offset by very good assets. They will therefore make the best possible arena defenders.

Rank A

Pokémon of this rank fill almost all the criteria of a very good gym defender. These Pokémon also have a minor negative point but which can sometimes be detrimental to them.

Rank B

Pokémon of this rank certainly meet the defensive criteria, but have some negative points which does not allow them to be as viable than higher-ranked Pokémon.

Rank C

Pokémon of this rank fill with difficulty the defensive criteria stated above. Their negative points are often a big weight in defensive teams.

Now that you know what the best pokemon For defend your arenas, we invite you to consult the following page which will indicate the best offensive pokemon by type.

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