Pokémon GO Attacks – Millenium

In Pokémon GO There are many present attackswhich allow you to inflict damage on the opposing Pokémon(s) in battle, when you face a arena. However, the attacks of Pokémon GO are very different in their operation from the attacks of other games in the license.

An arena battle in Pokémon GO

So, in the application, if the fights are (for now) reserved for arenasfacing opponents is still at the heart of trainers’ concerns. Each Pokémon will thus be assigned two attacks randomlyduring his captureor the hatching of its egg. These cannot be changed later, but if your Pokémon evolvesthen both of his attacks will be randomly generated again.

Note that while evolution and “pre-evolution” have possible attacks in commonthe generation of evolution attacks may not change your Pokémon’s attacks.

For example, Bulbasaur as Herbizarre can learn “Lianes Whip” And “Bomb’Beurk”. If your Bulbasaur knows both of these attacks and you evolve it, one of the combinations possible attacks from Herbizarre being “Vine Whip” and “Bomb’Beurk”, it is possible that your Pokémon “preserve” his attacks when they are randomly fired again.

Two Nosferatu with different attacks

Two Nosferatu with different attacks (Click to enlarge)

Both attacks chosen for a Pokémon are as follows:

– A quick attack (see the list on page 2) which is drawn from one or two possible ones, and can be used at will.

– A charged attack (see the list on page 3) which is drawn from up to four possible ones, and which needs to be loaded.

None attack has noside effect in Pokémon GO. These are all “standard” attacks that do a certain amount of damage damage. It should also be noted that the “STAB” (Same type attack bonus) is present in Pokémon GOand will strengthen attacks of the same type as the launching Pokémon. 25%.

Additionally, the damage dealt by attacks also depends on the types of the launcher and the attacked Pokémon. Thus, as in the games of the main license, an attack “Super efficient” will deal more damage, and if it is not “Not very effective”it will deal less damage.

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