Pokémon GO: How to Mega Evolve? Mega Evolution Guide

The feature that originated in Kalos is making its debut in Niantic’s world based on the universe of your favorite pocket creatures. The Mega Evolution system is still a temporary feature that doesn’t last permanently. Let’s find out how Niantic adapted it to Pokémon GO first.

Please note that this guide may be updated regularly.

How do Mega Evolutions work?

Mega Evolution works like an evolution of the Pokémon. However, it does not require having candy but another resource that we will call “Mega Energy”.

How to get this famous energy?

To get it, you will have to do Mega Raids which are simply Raids in which you will face a mega-evolved creature. For the moment, only Venusaur, Blastoise and Charizard are available in these famous raids. Note that the speed at which you win the fight grants you more energy. In general, you will have between 40 and 50 Mega-energy per successful raid but this number is likely to change.

It is also possible to obtain them through special studies such as the one currently underway called “A Mega-Discovery”. The latter allows you to recover energy to mega-evolve Dardardgnan.

Pokemon GO

Small clarification, Mega-energy is common to all Mega-evolutions but some Pokémon require more energy than others.

Currently, here is the amount needed for the first mega evolution of the following monsters:

  • Charizard : 200 Mega Energy
  • Venusaur : 200 Mega Energy
  • Tortank : 200 Mega Energy
  • Dardardgnan : 100 Mega Energy
Pokemon GO
Pokemon GO

The more you mega evolve a pokemon, the more the energy required will decrease. We don’t know yet by how much or if there is a minimum mandatory cap to mega evolve. Normally, this is the case given the implementation of this new mechanic.

What to do with a mega-evolved Pokémon?

A Pokémon that has undergone a Mega Evolution does not keep it for life, but for a certain period of time. During this time, you can do a whole bunch of things with it. Here is the list:

  • Fight in Raid and buff attacks of the same type as your creature for your allies (Limited to a single boost given by a Mega Evolution).
  • Fight in Arena
  • Fight Team Rocket
  • Fight your friends
  • Make him your Pokémon buddy
  • Take pictures with him

What You Can’t Do With a Mega-Evolved Pokémon

  • Own several at the same time
  • Defend an arena

Pokémon GO: A Mega-Discovery Special Research Guide

A new special research is available on Pokémon GO. Called “A Mega Discovery”, it will allow you to make your debut in the world of Mega Evolution and obtain many rewards like Mega Energy.

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Pokémon GO: Get the Mega Bracelet for Mega Evolution

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Pokemon GO: A Mega Discovery, Special Study, Quest List

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