Pokémon GO Mega Tyranitar: The best counters to beat it in Mega Raids

A Rock and Dark-type Pokémon, Mega Tyranitar has been available in Mega Raids in Pokémon GO since July 2023. Here’s a guide to help you defeat it quickly and easily whenever it returns.

How to beat Mega Tyranitar?

Mega-Tyranocif is of types Rock and Darkness. This means that it is very weak to Dark-type attacks. Fight, Water, Plant, Fairy, GroundSteel and Insect.

  • Capture PC: ??? to ???
  • Boosted capture PC: ??? to ???

Here are the best Pokemon you can use to beat him more easily:


With Response And Dynamo-Fist


With Response And Dynamo-Fist


With Double Foot And Holy Blade


With Response And Aurasphere


With Response And Exploforce

Shiny Mega Tyranitar: Is it available?

Tyranitar and its Mega-Evolved form are available in a chromatic version in the game. Here’s what they look like for those who are curious:

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