Pokémon GO, Optimize Pokémon IVs

You caught them all with our guide to capturebut you don’t know what to do with your Pokémon? Which ones are the best ? Should we do them? evolve before them reload ? These are the questions we will try to answer in this guide.

Analyzing your Pokémon

First of all, you should know that the CP of your Pokémon are not absolutely not a value you can trust. At least not alone. As we explained in the guide to theorycraftingCPs are just one indicator of the power of your Pokémon. But to obtain a “perfect” Pokémon, two factors must be taken into account: The IV and the attacks.

Analyzing a Pokémon's IVs in Pokémon GO

It is therefore not recommended to throw your Pokémon with the lowest ones CP. Indeed, the CP depends mainly on the level of the Pokémon, which you can increase by “recharging”. And if a Pokémon with high CP will probably need less dust and of candy to get to the maximum levelits stats won’t necessarily be the highest.

To get a Pokémon with the best stats, you will need to analyze its IV. For this, many tools are available on the web. As a bonus, Zerh made a video a few days ago about one of our favorite tools, which is a simple spreadsheet Google Sheets calculating the potential of your Pokémon, and available here :

For more information on the hidden statisticsyou can of course consult our guide to the theorycrafting. So it will be better to wait until you have a Pokémon with a good potential. And while a perfect Pokémon has a 1 in 4096 chance of appearing, Pokémon with a potential higher than 80% even 90% are relatively easy to obtain.

Of course, not all Pokémon are equalsand it will also be better to get Pokemon powerful. For their complete list, you can consult our tier list.

Judging your Pokémon’s potential

Niantic recently released an in-game tool that allows you to gauge the potential of your Pokémon in judging the IV of these. This had notably been announced in the article detailing the latest update of Pokémon GO.

You can access this option from the screen of summary of your Pokémon, by clicking on the icon at the bottom right and then on “Evaluate”.

Pokémon GO Rating TabClick to enlarge image.

This multi-step evaluation will allow you to know more or less precisely the IVs of your Pokémon. To do this, several sentences will be pronounced and will be different depending on the team to which you belong. We have summarized the possible results in these tables:

Step 1: Assessing the overall potential of IVs

Team Bravery (Red) Team Wisdom (Blue) Team Intuition (Yellow)
Potential of IVs
greater than 80%
Your “X” impresses me! It can accomplish anything. Your “X” is a marvel! It’s a breathtaking Pokémon. Your “X” looks like it can fight the best!
IV potential between 67% and 79% Your “X” is a strong Pokémon. You should be proud of it! Your “X” definitely caught my attention! Your “X” is really strong!
IV potential between 51% and 66% Your “X” is a decent Pokemon. Your “X” is above average. Your “X” is pretty decent.
IV potential less than 50% Your “X” isn’t great for combat, but I still like it! Your “X” has little chance of gaining an advantage in combat. Your “X” can improve when it comes to combat.

Step 2: Evaluate the stat(s) of your Pokémon with the highest IVs.

Regardless of the outcome of this first assessment of your Pokémon, your team leader will follow up by saying:

“I see his best attribute is…”

He will end his sentence by quoting one of the statistics of your Pokémon. This statistic is the highest (in terms of IV value) that he possesses.

It will happen that he also quotes a second statistic or even a third saying:

She is as high as…»

If so, this means that the statistics cited in these two sentences have a equivalent IV value.

Step 3: Evaluate the value of the highest IV(s).

It will then tell you more or less precisely the IV value from the statistics cited above

Team Bravery (Red) Team Wisdom (Blue) Team Intuition (Yellow)
Perfect IV(s) (15/15) I am amazed by his statistics. WOW! His statistics are beyond my calculations. It’s incredible! His stats are the best I’ve ever seen! No doubt about it!
IV to 13 or 14/15 He has great stats! How exciting! I’m certainly impressed with his stats, I have to say! His stats are really strong! Impressive.
IV between 8 and 12/15 His stats indicate that in combat, he’ll do the job. Its statistics are trending significantly towards the positive. He definitely has some good stats. Definitely!
IV equal(s) or less than 7/15 His stats don’t suggest great battles. His stats are not above average in my opinion. His stats are good, but pretty basic from what I see.

Step 4: Comment on the size of your Pokémon

Being purely aestheticsize has little importance in strategy. This comment is therefore not very important.

Recharge and evolve

You have a Pokémon whose potential suits you, but you don’t know if you need it first reload or theevolve ? This is indeed one of the most frequently asked questions on the web, and the answer to it is extremely simple: It’s the same.

Indeed, when you evolve a Pokémon, its IV do not change, and only its basic statistics will change. The number of CP will evolve too, but whether you evolve or recharge your Pokémon first makes no difference. All Perfect Dragonite will have at level 40 the same statistics.

Recharging a Rhinocorn

On the other hand, it may be interesting to do evolve your Pokémon before you reloadand this for several reasons:

– Evolution grants a stat bonus not insignificant if you want to tackle the arenas.

– The attacks being fired again at chance during theevolutionthe faster you can see the final attacks of your Pokémon, the sooner you’ll know if it’s the best it can be.

In fact, Pokémon can learn several attacks different, as we explained in our guide dedicated to Pokémon GO attacks. However, they do not all have the same power (ie the same DPS). So, an Aquali with O gun And Hydrocannon will be much more powerful than an Aquali with O gun And Vibraqua. And it would be a shame to realize this when your Pokémon is almost at the maximum level when you evolve it.

For more information on the best attacksyou can consult our tier list dedicated, or watch the video of Zerh dealing with the subject:

Our advice

In order to obtain the best Pokemon possible, the simplest method is to:

Capture as many Pokémon as possible.

– Transfer all those with a potential less than 80% Or 90%.

– Evolve the best Pokémon as quickly as possible IV (ideally only Pokémon ” perfect »)

– Check their attacks and only keep the Pokémon with the best ones.

Transfer the rest of the Pokémon.

Reload the best Pokémon(s) several times, until they reach the level 40.

For Pokémon like Roucool Or Rattatathis technique is extremely simple, since the streets of the world are full of them, but for rarer Pokémon, like Minidraco for example, this technique can be much more frustrating. That’s why, in addition to arming yourself with patienceyou will need to adjust your requirements depending on the Pokémon you hunt and want to to optimise.

Anyway, we hope we have shed some light on this vast subject. Feel free to tell us in the comments what your thoughts are. powerful pokemonand to share with us your tips of trainer!

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