Regirock, Regice, and Registeel now appear in five-star raids in the Tuesday, June 1, 2021, at 10:00 a.m., to Thursday, June 17, 2021at 10:00 a.m. on Pokémon GO.
Regice Raid: Shiny and Information
Regice is actually available in a shiny version on Pokémon GO. So don’t hesitate to do several raids until you get it in shiny.
How to beat Regice in Raid?
Of type IceRegice is very weak against Pokémon and attacks of the type Fire, Fight, Rock And Steel. You will therefore need to favor Pokémon of these types in your team or possessing attacks of these types. Here are some examples of Pokémon very strong against Regice and the best attacks to give them:
Charizard, Entei, Machamp, Arcanine, Maganon, Darumacho, Moltres, Alakazam, Drattak, Houndless, Nemelios and even Armaldo are also very good Pokémon against Regice.