The Herodian Halls of Hogwarts Legacy: what they are and how to solve their puzzles to get unique rewards

The Herodian or Depulso Halls The Hogwarts Legacy rooms are a series of rooms divided into three phases, each with a puzzle that you must solve using the Depuesto spell. You can also optionally use Accio to move some cubes more easily. Below I will tell you what the requirements are to access the rooms and all the rewards that each one grants.

Depulso Rooms in Hogwarts Legacy

The Death Chambers of Hogwarts Legacy require meeting several requirements. To start, you must learn the Depulso spell with Professor Sharp, who teaches potions. Progress through the story until you unlock the quest. Remember that you can see the reward for each quest in the quest menu.

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The second step is to look for the secondary mission The Herodian Hall. Advance through the story until you complete the mission. The Warden’s Lament (when you learn Alohomora) and look for Sophonia Franklin in the Astronomy Tower when it becomes available. You’ll see it marked on the castle map with the black and white side quest icon.

Hogwarts Legacy gives you the location of Herodian Room 1. Follow the marker. If you are observant, you will have already seen the metal you must interact with must have been used for something… now you know what it is used for. Each stage of the Herodian Room will give you a reward, namely: Herodian layer, Herodian attire and Herodian cap. You now have access to the other two Herodian Rooms available at Hogwarts.

  • Herodian Hall 2: From the Clock Tower Fast Travel (main entrance of the castle), go through the large gate with Alohomora and look for the entrance in the hallway. The rewards are Collection Chests, necessary to complete the Field Guide to 100%.
  • Herodian Hall 3: From the Transfiguration Classroom Fast Travel, find the History of Magic Classroom (at the back of the courtyard) and use Alohomora to go through the classroom door. You will arrive at an area of ​​Egyptian sites. You will see the entrance to the Herodian Hall. The rewards are Collection Chests, which are needed to complete the Field Guide 100%.

Since showing you each step of each puzzle in pictures would be very cumbersome, I recommend you take a look at the video of ZaFrostPet on YouTubewhich shows the path I described above and how to solve all the phases of each room. The layout of the rooms is the same for everyone, so follow the steps it shows you.

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