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HomeCryptoWhat is Manta Network? Multi-module ecosystem for ZK applications

What is Manta Network? Multi-module ecosystem for ZK applications

What is Manta Network?

Manta Network is a multi-module ecosystem designed for zero-knowledge (ZK) applications, setting the standard for secure and innovative decentralized solutions. This ecosystem includes two networks: Manta Atlantic (Layer 1) and Manta Pacific, a Layer 2 on Ethereum with a migration plan to become the first zkEVM on Celestia to use Polygon CDK.

The promise of blockchain technology lies in its ability to democratize finance and information, but privacy concerns remain a persistent problem.

Because transactions on public blockchains are inherently transparent, users risk having their financial information and sensitive data exposed. Manta Network is positioning itself as a disruptive blockchain ecosystem designed to break this trade-off. Manta Network has two chains: Manta Atlantic, a ZK Layer 1 chain, and Manta Pacific, a Layer 2 built on Ethereum.

Manta Pacific leverages a modular architecture, with Celestia serving as the data layer (DA). It is also building an accessible zero-knowledge (ZK) development environment and plans to transition to zkEVM using Polygon CDK, helping users restore financial freedom without sacrificing transparency and security of blockchain technology.

In this article, we will explore what Manta Network is, learn about Manta Atlantic and Manta Pacific.

Understanding Manta Network

Manta Network is not just a chain, but a multi-dimensional ecosystem that provides solutions for many different needs. At its core is Manta Pacific, a high-performance Layer 2 solution built on Celestia. With the help of ZK-SNARKs, Manta Pacific offers fast transaction speeds and significantly reduced gas fees, making it ideal for scaling privacy-preserving dApps. In contrast, Manta Atlantic is a Layer 1 blockchain designed for applications that require the highest security and customization.

Manta Network’s vision

Manta Network aims to become the leading ecosystem for privacy-preserving applications on blockchain. Its mission is to provide individuals and developers with tools and technology to protect financial privacy and enable safe, secure interactions on any blockchain.

Manta Network team

The strong team running Manta Network has many years of experience in various fields related to fintech. The Manta Network team includes the following key figures:

  • Kenny Li: Co-founder, MIT alumnus in Business Administration, contributes to strategic vision.
  • Victor Ji: Co-founder, Harvard Public Administration alum, providing expertise and leadership.
  • Shumo Chu: Co-founder, Assistant Professor at UC Santa Barbara, Algorand systems researcher.

Layers of Manta Network

To understand the network and how it works, you must also learn about its two main components/layers; Manta Pacific and Manta Atlantic.

Manta Pacific: Discover the Power of L2

Manta Pacific is an innovative Layer 2 ecosystem on Ethereum, designed for ZK native EVM applications. It provides a scalable and cost-effective gas environment, simplifying the deployment of ZK applications with Solidity.

Manta Pacific develops based on the L2 technology platform, especially taking advantage of the combined power of Celestia and Optimism Stack. This approach offers many benefits:

  • Ability of extension: By offloading transaction processing from the main blockchain (L1), L2 networks reduce congestion and enable significantly faster transaction speeds.
  • Fee reduction: Scalability reduces transaction fees, makes Manta Pacific more accessible to more users, and fosters micro-economies and innovative use cases.
  • Easy deployment of ZK applications: Manta Pacific uses Manta Network’s Universal Circuits to enable developers to create ZK applications using Solidity and the Universal Circuits SDK, ensuring EVM compatibility using Bedrock Stack OP code.
  • Seamless integration: Compatible with existing Ethereum smart contracts, making it easy for developers to migrate their dApps to Manta Pacific, taking advantage of speed and security without major technical barriers.

Universal Circuits by Manta Network

Manta Network’s Universal Circuits is a library of zero-knowledge (ZK) circuits designed for common use cases, helping developers easily implement ZK technology into their applications. This library allows Solidity developers to add ZK features to their applications with just a few lines of code. These features include:

  • Private payments comply with: For DeFi applications.
  • Identity verification: For web3 social platforms.
  • Privacy protection: For on-chain games, helping protect user privacy.

Universal Circuits ensures compatibility with EVM, making it easy for developers to integrate and deploy ZK applications on the Ethereum platform and other compatible blockchains.

Manta Atlantic: Discover the Advantages of L1

Manta Atlantic is a fast and decentralized Layer 1 ZK that supports modular on-chain compliant identities. It contains core technologies such as zkNFTs, staking and ecosystem projects, providing seamless access to ZK’s powerful use cases.

While L2 provides scalability and EVM compatibility, L1 remains the foundational layer of the blockchain, responsible for network security and ensuring data integrity. Manta Atlantic, the L1 component of Manta Network, offers unique advantages:

  • Custom Haven: Unlike L2, which inherits some limitations from the underlying L1, Manta Atlantic offers developers considerable flexibility. They can customize blockchain features, consensus mechanisms, and governance models to suit specific needs, allowing for the creation of bespoke solutions for unique applications.
  • Advanced security: Manta Atlantic uses the Byzantine Fault Tolerance (BFT) consensus mechanism, a robust system that ensures high durability against attacks and network disruptions. This ensures network stability and security, critical for high-value transactions and complex applications.
  • Anonymous privacy: Manta Atlantic provides private smart contracts that enable the secure execution of complex logic on-chain, enabling the development of truly anonymous dApps in sectors such as DeFi and healthcare.

Compare Manta Pacific and Manta Atlantic

To really understand the distinct roles of these classes, let’s look at some comparisons:

Characteristic Manta Pacific (L2) Manta Atlantic (L1)
Focus on Scalability, ZK application support Customizable, decentralized
Transaction speed High Medium
Transaction fees Short Change
Customize smart contracts Limit High
Fits Widely accepted, dApp migration Specific applications, complex use cases

Key Features and Capabilities of Manta Network

Manta Network possesses several unique features such as default privacy, scalability, modular architecture, and interoperability. Let’s understand them better:

  • Ability of extension: Manta Pacific, with the help of Celestia and Caledera’s OP Stack, provides high throughput and low cost. This opens up opportunities for data-intensive dApps, users who desire a smooth, high-capacity and cost-effective path.
  • Modular Architecture: Manta’s modular design is the developer’s playground, where privacy building blocks combine with minimal compromises.
  • Interactive abillity: Interoperability is at the heart of Manta Network. Breaking down barriers between blockchains, allowing users to transfer assets between Manta Pacific, its Atlantic layer and more.
  • Privacy by default: Manta Pacific will prioritize financial privacy by hiding all transactions in an invisible layer. Using ZK-SNARKs, only the sender and receiver know the details of the transaction. The network verifies the validity of the transaction while not knowing specific details such as amount, assets, and identity.

Manta Network ecosystem

Manta Network is not only a technology platform but also builds a vibrant ecosystem of dApps and services dedicated to supporting users. Below is a list of popular dApps in the Manta Network ecosystem:

  • Mantaswap: A decentralized exchange that allows users to swap assets on Manta Pacific with low fees and enhanced privacy.
  • Network Operator Pools (NPO) Launchpad: A minting platform for NFTs and zkSBTs (Soulbound Tokens) that preserves privacy, opening up innovative use cases in identity management and data ownership.
  • POMP Dapp: A secure order book module for building decentralized exchanges with advanced trading capabilities.
  • Aperture Finance: A privacy-preserving borrowing and lending protocol, Aperture allows users to access decentralized financial tools without revealing their financial activities.

MANTA Token: The heart of the Manta ecosystem

MANTA is the native token of Manta Network. This is an ERC-20 token. MANTA’s total supply is set at 1 billion tokens, with an annual issuance rate of 2% starting from the initial issuance.

Information Detail
Token name Manta Network
Token code MANTA
Blockchain Manta, Ethereum
Token type Utilities, administration
Total supply 1,000,000,000 MANTA
Circulating supply 325,000,000 MANTA

Use cases of MANTA token

On Manta Pacific: MANTA brings benefits such as savings on gas fees and sequencer revenue, enhanced user experience for on-chain operations and interactions with zkApps. This token also incentivizes builders and contributors to support the development and sustainability of the ecosystem. MANTA can also be used to fund projects in the ecosystem and generate revenue.

On Manta Atlantic: Tokens are used for network usage fees, medium of exchange, and governance rights. It also plays a role in network security and allocation of ecosystem projects, treasury, collators, and staking rewards.

Pay transaction fees

On Manta Network, transaction fees are dynamically calculated based on transaction complexity and current network congestion.


Staking your MANTA tokens is a win-win proposition for both parties. Users contribute to the security of the network by locking their tokens in a smart contract for a certain period of time, and in return, they receive passive rewards in the form of additional MANTA tokens.


As a holder of the MANTA token, you can directly influence the development of the network. You get to vote on proposals that decide important aspects such as trading fees, staking rewards, and even the core governance structure.

Development roadmap of Manta Network

According to Manta Network’s roadmap, Manta Pacific is currently operating as an optimistic rollup using Celestia’s Data Availability (DA) to reduce gas fees. The next phase is a complete migration to zkEVM Layer 2 leveraging the Polygon CDK. This will provide benefits such as:

  • All the benefits of Validium services.
  • zkEVM’s enhanced performance, security, and user experience.
  • Leverage Polygon CDK to enable Manta Pacific to mine the space and interactive liquidity of chains built with Polygon CDK via a trustless ZK bridge to Ethereum.


Manta Network stands at the forefront of blockchain technology privacy innovation. With a comprehensive approach to privacy, scalability and interoperability, combined with a vibrant and growing ecosystem, Manta Network is the leading platform for users and developers who want to balance equals the benefits of blockchain with the important need for privacy and security.

Thach Sanh

According to Coingecko

Mark Tyson
Mark Tyson
Freelance News Writer. Always interested in the way in which technology can change people's lives, and that is why I also advise individuals and companies when it comes to adopting all the advances in Apple devices and services.


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