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Wednesday, June 26, 2024
HomeCryptoWOO X Lists $BENJI on Its Spot Market, Offering a $40,000 Trading...

WOO X Lists $BENJI on Its Spot Market, Offering a $40,000 Trading Prize Pool

Seychelles, Victoria, June 19, 2024 WOO Xa globally focused cryptocurrency futures and spot trading platform providing best-in-class price execution and liquidity, is pleased to announce the listing of $BENJI on its spot market.

Inspired by the Basenji dog breed, $BENJI has quickly gained momentum since its launch in April, achieving a $30 million market cap within the first 24 hours and skyrocketing to an all-time high. era was $57 million in its first week of release. This growth highlights the resilience and potential of network-based projects.

$BENJI differentiates itself with meticulously crafted hand-drawn artwork and a strong social media presence, positioning itself as a leader in branding and networking outreach. $BENJI applies token burn and relinquishment protocols to increase transparency and legitimacy in the market.

$BENJI will be listed on the WOO

To celebrate the listing, WOO this dynamic.

WOO X supports projects in the BASE ecosystem


On June 17, WOO X listed $BRETT on its spot market with a total prize pool of $15,000 for users. Traders willing to claim a portion of the prize pool need to follow the steps here.

In March, WOO X also listed $DEGEN, calling itself the “Las Vegas Destination on Blockchain.” The explosion of Base memecoins reflects broader trends in the cryptocurrency market, driven by innovative concepts, strong community support, and the potential for significant returns.

To learn more about WOO Follow us on Xdownload our app or visit WOO X.

Contact: [email protected]

Introducing WOO X

WOO X is a globally centralized cryptocurrency trading and spot trading platform that provides the best price execution and liquidity. WOO X has an average daily volume exceeding 600 million USD and is home to hundreds of thousands of traders worldwide. WOO X traders benefit from radical transparency through the dashboard Proof of Reserves & Debt first in our industry as well as the company’s mission to maintain the trust of the growing community of traders.

Disclaimer: The above content does not constitute a recommendation on investment and trading strategies nor does it constitute an offer to invest, a solicitation or a recommendation of any product or service. The content is for information sharing purposes only. Those who make or change investment decisions based on the content will bear the results or losses themselves.

Mark Tyson
Mark Tyson
Freelance News Writer. Always interested in the way in which technology can change people's lives, and that is why I also advise individuals and companies when it comes to adopting all the advances in Apple devices and services.


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