Zelda Tears of the Kingdom: 10 good reflexes to take to master the gameplay

In the vein of our 15 tips for getting started, we try to make your life easier in Zelda Tears of the Kingdom, a game with sprawling gameplay and absolutely incomprehensible button mapping. With 5 new powers to master and possibilities that you don’t know what to do with, it’s a bit of an obstacle course, especially if you’ve never launched Zelda Breath of the Wild. In this new guide, we will see how to improve your gaming comfort with some good habits to adopt.

Lock, dodge and parry

Targeting is not obvious if you are not used to A-RPGs, plus you can very well destroy the first monsters without it. We recommend that you practice using it as soon as possible, it is an essential option in combat that you will necessarily have to exploit in the medium term. Bokoblin camps and Hinox are fine, but as soon as you have to face your first Lynel, you will be delighted to be able to dodge its attacks with a backflip. With the right timing, this will trigger the Flurry Rush, a powerful series of attacks to be performed with your best weapon in hand.. For those of the Souls school, having a shield equipped allows for a parry which, if timed well, allows you to land a critical hit on the enemy.

Disable the gyroscope

You’re probably wondering why your controller or console is wiggling. when trying to aim with arrows. For those who have the shakes, take a quick trip to the options to disable the gyroscope. The only interesting feature the gadget brings is being able to take off the elements under Grip without shaking the right stick in all directions. While you are in the settings menu, see if the “pro” display of the HUD does not suit you better: it takes a good time to adapt, but it allows you to remove all the gauges from the image for even more immersion

The Legend of Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom

Move your objects further away and closer together with Grip

While building, you will often tend to move yourself to play on the distances with what you have in your hands. Luckily the game is nice and blocks the edges to prevent you from falling into these kinds of situations.but you will see that it is much more practical to get into the habit of moving elements closer and further apart. When you are not pressing the trigger to rotate, use the up and down arrows of the cross to move your element, you will see that with practice your manufacturing sessions will become more fluid thanks to this.

The Legend of Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom

Throw objects to save arrows

There is an entire shrine dedicated to this specific mechanic and it is not easy to assimilate, however once you get the hang of itthis is a good way to save arrows. Hold L as if you were going to throw your weapon, but instead of letting go, swipe up to display the ingredients in your inventory, like an amalgam of arrows. This will save you a lot of arrows when exploring the depths, by throwing the lumos seeds directly on the ground.

Sort by frequency of use

Sorting tabs is vital if you don’t want to lose your mind while playing Zelda Tears of the Kingdom. By sorting by frequency of use, you ensure that you come across your essential resources at a glance and this is a huge gain in convenience. Normally, we should all have roughly the same ranking after about fifty hours of play: lumo seeds, bombs, fire fruits… To make powerful amalgams, also don’t forget the classification by attack power, which is a lifesaver for beating up white-grade enemies.

The Legend of Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom

Big Construction: Take out your soneaus artifacts from the inventory

Again, this is never specified by the game, but it is much easier to take out all the elements of a construction directly from your inventory as you would for a cooking recipe. Go to the soneaus artifacts section of the interface and then do “take in hands”: you can take out up to 10 construction elements at once. There are a ton of little details that can help you better manage construction, which we’ll cover in the guide below.

Retrospective to catch up on a mistake

We’re going to focus on this power a little bit, because it’s possible to miss its point for a long time.. Let’s imagine: you spend 2 hours building a crazy vehicle and, by mistake, you activate it without being on it… Before your creation gets too far, cast retrospective to freeze time and aim at your vehicle, to return it to its initial position.. It’s a reflex to acquire and once you’ve acquired it, you won’t be able to do without it.

The Legend of Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom

Power Combo with Hindsight

You won’t necessarily think about it right away, and that’s normal since it’s never indicated by the game, but Retrospective can be combined with any other power. Our favorite: Retrospective plus Hold to imprint specific movements on an object, which can be reused with Retrospective. For a more advanced use, it is possible to make your glider take off thanks to the time travel. Hold your machine high with Grasp, put it on the ground, climb on it and then cast Retrospective to gain altitude easily.

The Legend of Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom

Duplicate, the power that saves construction and your time

Go get this power as soon as possible! With it, building will take on a whole new dimension, pushing you to make interesting plans that are truly useful for your exploration of the depths. If Emprise and everything that comes with it isn’t your cup of tea, you might just change your mind by going to complete this essential quest. We’ll show you how to get your hands on it as quickly as possible. Note that it is possible to go to the location without necessarily having taken the quest from Josha.

Cuisine: One effect per dish only

This is already a logic that was applied to cooking in Zelda Breath of the Wild and it’s exactly the same béchamel here. If you start cooking and don’t understand why you come across simple recipes that only regenerate hearts, each time you make a dish, keep in mind that there can only be one effect applied at a time, just like when you eat and one bonus cancels another. This is something you should constantly pay attention to when planning your next trip.

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