Zelda Tears of the Kingdom Call of the Deep: Goddess Statue Riddle, How to Solve It

Zelda Tears of the Kingdom quests aren’t the kind of quests that hold your hand, and this one is especially true. It’s possible to waste hours wandering around the area for nothing if you don’t know where to go or what to do. If it’s any consolation, the rewards that await you at the end of all that effort are more than worth it.

The Legend of Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom

Statue of the Goddess of the Temple of the Time of the Plateau of the Prelude

This lengthy quest is normally initiated by speaking to the large goddess statue in the church ruins, visited at the beginning of Zelda Breath of the Wild. Its coordinates are -0810, -1972, 0116. But something goes wrong, and she leaves you with a series of cryptic words about where to go to free her. We haven’t confirmed this, but it’s likely possible to start the quest by skipping this step, and going straight to freeing the sunken statue she’s talking about.

The Legend of Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom

Position of the sunken statue

The solution to the riddle requires you to go to the foot of the Plateau du Prélude, opposite the pond against the wall, a little further north. You will see a pile of rocks which block what appears to be the normal flow of water. You know what you have to do: destroy the rocks with a weapon or explosives, which will trigger a small animated scene, during which the pond will empty. This will also confirm that Link is superhuman, since he will take a mini tsunami in the face without flinching. The coordinates of the places are -0550, -1504, 0019.

The Legend of Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom
The Legend of Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom

Once the water has drained, you will see a statue similar to the one at Fort du Guet. When talking to her, she will thank you, then she will ask you to return to the statue of the goddess of the Temple of Time, or to go there, if you started the quest directly at this step. They like to make you walk in this quest, and it is only just beginning.

The Legend of Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom
The Legend of Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom

The Call of the Deep

Once in the presence of the statue of the goddess, the real quest can begin, and you are given clear instructions: find the 4 eyes of the statue and throw them into the holes of the abyss located next to it.

The Legend of Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom
The Legend of Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom

If you display your map, you will actually be able to confirm that there is access to the abyss at each indicated point on the Prelude Plateau. You will also have to solve a small riddle each time in order to find the eye of the statuebefore the throw into the hole with the Grip. You will then find them at the bottom of the abyss, in exactly the same place, that is to say under the corresponding hole, and you will have to bring each eye back to the statue of the Temple of the Deep. That being said, there is nothing stopping you from throwing all your eyes into the same hole, in order to limit the journeys, if you have a good flying vehicle at hand. But one way or another, you are going to have to make an effort to bring the eyes back.

You can make your navigation on the Prelude Plateau easier by using Celestial Debris and the power of Hindsight. This makes accessing the two eyes and the two holes in the South much easier. Bring some anti-cold equipment or food as well.

Important note : It happens that eyes thrown into the abyss disappear for some reason, such as you dying, or the area reloading. Then you have to go back to the surface to get them and throw them back into the abyss.. If you want to avoid the tedious back and forth, especially if you’re going to do the quest over multiple sessions, we recommend jumping into the abyss immediately after looking at it, in order to follow it and bring it back directly to the statue. This requires more back and forth between the abyss and the surface, but you were already doomed to make trips like this between the holes.

Position of the 4 eyes

THE eyes are not present until you begin this stage of the quest. It is impossible to find them and throw them into the holes until you talk to the statues.

The first eye is located at North, near the dam that you just blew up. It’s at the bottom of a puddle, next to the hole in the abyss. You just have to use the Hold. Coordinates: -0677, -1541, 0067.

The Legend of Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom
The Legend of Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom

The second eye is in the ruins of the Temple of the East. You will see a pile of rocks which should be familiar to you, as should the solution to your problem: blow it all up ! The eye will be found in the rubble. Its coordinates are -0482, -1994, 0072.

The third eye is at South-East, it is more difficult to access, since it is high up. There is quite a bit of sky debris in the area, which you can use with Hindsight, in order to gain height, to then reach the place by Paraglider. Once there, use the Retrospectivesince the eye is hidden under one of the famous celestial debris. By making the rock fly away, you will be able to free it and throw it. Its coordinates are -0935, -2329, 0167.

The last eye is located at mountain top to the southwest. He is taken in a block of ice that you will need to smelt. Our preferred method for this is to use a bundle of wood and a flint, to light a campfire nearby. This saves on Fire Fruits. The precise coordinates are -1439, -1979, 0231.

The Legend of Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom
The Legend of Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom

Bring your eyes back to the statue in the depths

If you jump into one of the holes you peeked into, you should end up at the same place as him. It is relatively easy to spot by its blue light. The common point of the four arrival locations is that they all have a deposit of soneau artifacts in order to tinker with a vehicle, capable of transporting it without any problem to the statue, which is located in the basement of the Temple of the Depths. Consider sticking the eye to your vehicleso as not to lose it along the way.

The Legend of Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom

You’ll have to finish the journey by carrying the eye yourself, before manually inserting it into the face with the Grip. But there are elevators and ramps, which should help you. The coordinates of the statue are 0780, -1901, -0565.

The Legend of Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom

The Eye of the North asks you to build yourself a 4×4 in order to transport it across the vast expanse full of miasmas, which separates you from the temple. Here is a tip to properly fix the wheels without getting upset: Place the wheel vertically (or lying down), then use Grip on the rest of the vehicle to attach it to the axle, not the other way around.

The Legend of Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom
The Legend of Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom

For the Southern Eye, you can make yourself a glider, with a sled underneath and rockets, in order to take off. Don’t forget the steering wheel. It is then possible to fly directly to the temple. Just remember to go down the ramps. The statue is under the refinerynot above.

The Legend of Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom
The Legend of Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom

The eyes of the South-West, and that of the Eastare very easy to bring back, since they are located next to railway tracks that lead directly to the temple. However, you will have to look for theeye below every time, which requires taking an elevator. Then you just have to cobble together a motorized trolley. We do not recommend putting rockets on the trolleys, in our experience this leads to a derailment at the first turn.

The Legend of Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom
The Legend of Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom


Once the last eye is put back in place, the statue will give you the choice between an extra heart and an extended stamina gaugelike you brought 4 orbs of light back to the goddess statue. This took more effort than 4 Shrines, but it’s not too bad.

As a bonus, the statue also counts as one of the Spirit Statues, which will improve the items available in their shop.

The Legend of Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom
The Legend of Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom

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