Zelda Tears of the Kingdom Camera: How to Get It and Take Pictures?

One of the key features of Zelda Tears of the Kingdom that you should get to grips with right from the start of the adventure is none other than the camera! Here’s how to unlock it quickly and take the best shots of everything you come across on your way.

How to unlock the camera?

Even if you no longer have your Sheikah tablet like in Breath of the Wild, you will quickly get its little sister: the Pru’ha tablet! It is thanks to it that you can activate your different powers like Emprise or Amalgam and even use Amiibos.

As for the Photo feature, you can unlock it around the same time as the Parasail, once you complete the tutorial on the Prelude Sky Island. When you get to the Fort Guetfirst speak to Pru’ha to complete the mission under Hyrule Castle and unlock the Observation Towers.

Now go to the ground floor, below where Pru’ha is, you will find Josha and Faras talking. Talking to them will trigger the quest [Des gens dans les profondeurs]. It is thanks to this very important secondary mission that you will unlock the camera but also the 5th power. Duplicate.

How to take pictures?

As explained above, the camera function is located in the exact same place as Link’s powers:

  1. By holding the “L” button on your left Joy-Con, you will open a wheel,
  2. Identify the green camera icon at the top right of the wheel and select it by moving the joystick on your right Joy-Con,
  3. Now that the power is active, just briefly click L now to bring up the camera at any time,
  4. Spot an object or monster and you’ll see a frame form around it. If the frame is blue with no indication, it means there’s nothing to take a picture of. If an orange or red frame forms around an object, it means you can take a picture of it: its name will even be indicated.
  5. Press “A” to take the picture and save it to your encyclopedia and your album which are two different things. An item saved in the encyclopedia will always be there while the album is limited to 64 places and only keeps the most recent shots.
The Legend of Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom
The Legend of Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom

If a red exclamation point appears next to the name of an item/creature, it means that you have already saved it in your encyclopedia. Feel free to take all the items out of your inventory and place them on the ground to photograph them.

Note that a self-portrait mode, by pressing “X” is available to take selfies of Link. Move the left Joy-Con to change his pose!

The Legend of Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom
The Legend of Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom

Why take pictures?

During many side quests, characters will ask you to take pictures of monsters or objects. This is particularly the case for the great mission of the steles [Un message des temps anciens] or that of Kilton who wants at all costs to make figurines of creatures in the Village of Euzéro via [Le collectionneur de monstres].

Generally speaking, you should remember to take pictures of every object, monster and other animal that you come across during your exploration in order to fill your Encyclopedia.

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