Zelda Tears of the Kingdom Powers: List and effects of Link’s new abilities

The release of Zelda Tears of the Kingdom is fast approaching and this time, it’s good, we know more or less what to expect: we hope that Nintendo will not communicate much more about its biggest Nintendo Switch cartridge of 2023. As with Zelda Breath of the Wild, Link’s famous powers have been revealed in advance thanks to a gameplay video, and they promise a lot.


Link’s new arm will allow him to use at least 4 new powers. The very first one visually resembles Cinetis, but it actually allows you to control time (which clearly seems to be the central theme intimated to players). Regardless, the manipulation allows Link to send projectiles back to their sender, with more power in order to make a nice splash in the enemy ranks, or to climb to celestial islands by raising the debris that falls on the surface of Hyrule.

The Legend of Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom


Eiji Aonuma and his teams’ response to weapons that break too quickly in Zelda Breath of the Wild: by playing with different combinations of objects, Link will be able to build a tailor-made arsenal, by merging any object with any weapon. With this ability, Link will be able to drastically increase his striking force, his durability, or even his reach. Not to be confused with Grip that we will see just below, which, glue two elements together to make new and original means of transport.


Exploring a huge open world on horseback is great, but with a rocket-powered soapbox that you can build from scratch.it’s even better. This power will apply a magic sticky paste on the elements of your choice and, put together, you will be able to assemble your own vehicles (land or air), to set off to conquer new territories. There were some examples shown during the various trailers, but There are still a lot of gray areas surrounding how the hold works and what it implies for exploring the world.


The first power introduced in the game’s trailers, but Eiji Aonuma’s demo allowed us to learn more about how this power works, which will facilitate exploration.. By going under any surface, you will be able to pierce a ceiling to find yourself a few moments later at its summit. Here too, it will be necessary to see what the limitations of this power are. For example, it is probably impossible to go directly to a celestial island by this means alone.

The Legend of Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom

Free fall

Some will think of Fortnite, while others will remember how our hero arrived in each area in Zelda Skyward Sword. As we have seen, the celestial islands are placed at different altitudes and some of them pierce the sky. By falling from one of these celestial platforms, Link can then have a very good overview of the world of Hyrule and decide on his next destination on the surface in full fall. It can then be accelerated to reach the ground in the blink of an eye. This is a particularly original way to allow players to more easily map the gigantic open world that awaits them between two explorations of celestial islands.

Breath of the Wild 2 - The Legend of Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom
Breath of the Wild 2
Skyward Sword - The Legend of Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom
Skyward Sword

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