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HomeTechnology NewsThe paradox of Windows 10, another type of death by success

The paradox of Windows 10, another type of death by success

Just a few days ago we saw that Windows 10 data is overwhelming. In summer he will be 9 years old (its official launch occurred on July 29, 2015) and, since the end of 2021, it has faced what is called to be its successor, Windows 11. In practically any other market, with these circumstances, currently Windows 10 It should be like Norma Desmond on the stairs, but given the particularities that occur in this case, there we have Gloria Swanson “stealing” leading roles from Margot Robbie.

Since I have not been a father in my life, I can only speak about this matter “from hearsay”, and the most common reference I have in this regard is that parents want, above all, for their children’s lives to be better. than their own, that they can reach very high and very far. Children are expected, as stated in both Exodus (2:12) and Deuteronomy (5:16), to honor their father and mother. Thus, whether we analyze it from a perspective based on the standard of the parents’ worldview, or from the values ​​of the Judeo-Christian tradition, there is no doubt that we are faced with such a parent-child relationship. dysfunctional that, by comparison, passes the Simpson family off as the Ingalls.

Cronus executed his sons so that they would not steal his power, Oedipus killed Laius to marry Jocasta, which leads us to The relationship between Windows 10 and Windows 11 fits much better into that yellow, pink and black chronicle that is Greek mythology. And in this case, it seems that we are closer to a patricide than a filicide… and everything is getting closer to the grandson coming into play, Windows 12, which will take us to an image, which Michael Bay would joyfully film, in in which the three generations form a triangle in which everyone points guns at each other.

Source: StatCounter Global Stats – Windows Version Market Share

Windows 10 is a clear example of successmaintain a market share (within that of all versions of Windows) of close to 70% according to the StatCounter data Almost turning 9 years old must, without a doubt, make some people at Microsoft feel very proud. However, the reflection in the mirror that they see in Redmond is that of the failure that Windows 11 has been. A success that, paradoxically, is disastrous news for its protagonists.

Zeus (we return to Greek mythology) already determined the death of the father and, in fact, he did so even before the birth of the son, but so far it has not helped him that, come October 2025, we reach the end of the A Chronicle of a Death Foretold. At this point, and although we can expect some growth from Windows 11, which will mainly be driven by the sale of new computers that are distributed with said operating system, It is not unreasonable to think that Windows 10 will reach the end of its life cycle with a higher user share, or at least similar, to that of Windows 11..

If Microsoft had chosen to launch Windows 12 this yearcould still have saved the file, since if we follow the now classic theory of “one good, one bad”, the future version of the operating system could accelerate the abandonment of Windows 10, even without stopping at Windows 11. However , everything indicates that the debut of Windows 12 will not occur, at the earliest, until 2025, so Windows 10 will “die” (unless you check out, of course) being an example of success, a success that, Paradoxically, it is a problem for Microsoft, a problem because The success of Windows 10 is, at the same time, the death of Windows 11.

Here are 10 high-quality FAQs for:

  1. When will Windows 10 stop getting updates? (Focus Keyword: Windows 10 end of support)
  2. What happens if I keep using Windows 10 after it reaches end of life? (Focus Keyword: Windows 10 end of life consequences)
  3. Is it safe to upgrade to Windows 11 now? (Focus Keyword: Windows 11 upgrade safety)
  4. Will my computer be able to run Windows 11? (Focus Keyword: Windows 11 system requirements)
  5. How much does it cost to upgrade to Windows 11? (Focus Keyword: Windows 11 upgrade cost)
  6. Are there any free alternatives to Windows 11? (Focus Keyword: Windows 11 alternatives)
  7. Can I still buy a new computer with Windows 10 pre-installed? (Focus Keyword: Windows 10 on new computers)
  8. What are the benefits of upgrading to Windows 11? (Focus Keyword: Windows 11 benefits)
  9. How do I back up my data before upgrading to Windows 11? (Focus Keyword: Windows 11 upgrade data backup)
  10. What if I need help troubleshooting the upgrade to Windows 11? (Focus Keyword: Windows 11 upgrade support)
Mark Tyson
Mark Tyson
Freelance News Writer. Always interested in the way in which technology can change people's lives, and that is why I also advise individuals and companies when it comes to adopting all the advances in Apple devices and services.


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